Friday, 7 June 2013

I'm not alone - air-reverses have been boring for a long time!

Regular readers of Cuttie in Your Face will know that I've long been sick of seeing magazines and videos saturated with air-reverse after air-reverse.

Yes, I've always said it is a skillful manoeuvre. In fact, I've never even attempted to try one myself because of how difficult they seem. I just happen to also feel there is so much more to surfing than just air-reverses. Nice barrels, gouging turns, smooth lines, and even other types of airs all round out the sport.


I feel it's about time the surfing community recognised this.

And there may even be light at the end of the tunnel - as the below clip proves. It's of a bunch of professional, semi-professional and high level amateur surfers saying their piece and agreeing with me in some way at least.

The truth about air-reverses

Have a look. I'd be really interested in what you think too.

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