Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Fast and furious

Today's photo - coming from South America's surfing powerhouse Brazil, should appeal to any goofy footer - or natural footer with a solid pig-dog.

Brazil satellite photo

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Sporting: beautiful scenery; an empty lineup; a seeming sand bottom; a long wall; a hollow pit; and bright sunshine, this is the kind of wave that makes you trip over your wetsuit as you hoot uncontrollably rushing to get it on.

It's the kind of wave that causes you to forget to lock your car. It makes you forget to wax up and zip up your wetsuit.

It's the kind of wave where one good wave is enough to help you get through until your next epic surf.



  1. I hear you, number of times I've tripped over the wetty, forgot to lock the car but worse of all finding out after the first duckdive I didn't zip up the wetty.

    1. Very true. I guess the only thing worse is forgetting your wetsuit altogether!
