Friday, 13 September 2013

Time for another competition

'Cuttie in your face' is holding another competition.

The winner will receive FCS' multipurpose ratchet tool.

FCS ratchet tool link

I've had a good look at, and play with, one of these and they are indeed quite nifty.

If nobody wins this FCS ratchet tool, I'll be happy to add it to my own surf kit!
Photo: Willy

I know the FCS ratchet tool is much bulkier than a traditional FCS key, but I suspect it has the potential of being a handy piece of equipment - should you find yourself in a number of other technical emergencies...

Footage: YouTube

To enter, the requirements of this competition are very easy:
- This competition is exclusively for 'Cuttie in your face' Followers.
- To be eligible, you must already be a Follower of 'Cuttie in your face' by the time the competition closes.
- This competition closes at midday on Tuesday 15 October, Santa Monica, California, USA time.
- To become a 'Cuttie in your face' Follower is easy: simply go to the white text box at the top right hand corner of the page titled 'FOLLOWERS' and click on 'Join this site' (see the image of the 'Cuttie in your face' screen immediately below). Then follow the easy prompts and - presto!
- To decide the winner, the names of all Followers of 'Cuttie in your face' will be put into a hat. One will be randomly picked out and that will be the winner of the FCS ratchet tool.
- Entries from around the globe are welcome and encouraged.
- To be eligible, the winner must also be prepared to provide me with their postage details when I contact them to send the prize.

Just click on 'Join this site' in the white box titled 'FOLLOWERS'. This box is the white box at the most upper right corner of the page.
Photo: Willy

No 'Cuttie in your face' blog post is complete without some surfing indulgence. With palm trees all the way to the water's edge, I get the feeling this spot below doesn't get big swell too often.

Idyllic surfing.

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